Cocoyam Leaves: Top 19 Essential Health Benefits

Cocoyam Leaves: Top 19 Essential Health Benefits

Cocoyam is a starchy edible tuber and bears broad greenish leaves. It possesses high nutritional values when compared to others such as cassava and yam. It is grown in several places around the world. Usually, we consume the roots tubers. Its leaves are known as cocoyam leaves but locally called kontomire.
Cocoyam leaves or kontomire leaves stew
The fact that cocoyam leaves are edible, often comes as a surprise for those who have only known this plant as a big root. However, these leaves are not only a good food product but are also able to provide you with plenty of useful vitamins and minerals.
Like any leafy green vegetables, cocoyam leaves are as healthy and useful for your body as can be. It’s easy to guess that they are especially useful for those who want to lose fat and also improve their health condition. However, like all green leafy vegetables, cocoyam leaves contain plenty of calcium and other essential nutrients.

Essential Health benefits of Cocoyam leaves (Kontomire)

1. Control the blood pressure

The combined efforts of Omega 3 and vitamins are able to relax blood vessels and control the blood pressure. This is one of the main benefits of kontomire because it works quickly and also effectively.

2. Help in weight loss

Cocoyam leaves are low in fat but high in protein. It is therefore, the best diet to reduce your fat and get your muscle mass.

3. Prevention of cancer

The same vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Due to this feature, it’s a great means against free radicals that cause diseases such as cancer and other conditions.

4. Beneficial to your eyes

In addition to Vitamin C, cocoyam leaves are also rich in vitamin A. It contains high amounts of vitamin A that meets your daily requirement. Because of this, it is a very good for eyes. It prevents some eyes diseases such as myopia, cataract and blindness.


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