Guava leaves: 8 surprising health benefits

Guava leaves: 8 surprising health benefits

We all love the guava fruit but what about the leaves? Most people know what the guava fruit can do to our health. But not all of them are aware of the fact that even the leaves have variety of health benefits. There are benefits that you may get from guava leaves. Moreover, it’s of low cost which you can get almost anywhere.
Guava leaves are excellent for your health. You can brew fresh guava leaves to make healthy tea. These leaves are powerhouse of antioxidants such as vitamins. Guava leaves are full of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds. Also, they have beneficial tannin’s, making them a natural pain reliever.
Importance of guava leaves
Guava leaves contain chemicals such as carotenoids, polyphenols, tannin’s, and flavonoids which are exceptionally effective in treating various diseases. Additionally, they contain high amounts of vitamin C, Vitamin A, healthy fibers and potassium. Due to its medicinal properties, guava leaf supplements are nowadays available in the form of capsules and guava leaf tea.

Health benefits of guava leaves

Lowers blood sugar

Guava leaf tea can effectively lower blood sugar levels by reducing alpha-glucosidase enzyme activity, according to a study conducted by Yakult Central Institute in Japan. It also prevents the absorption of maltose and sucrose by the body, lowering blood sugar level in return. Drink guava leaf tea for 12 weeks to lower blood sugar levels without increasing your insulin production.

Promotes weight loss


If you have tried several remedies lose weight but not successful, guava leaves can give you a hand to achieve what you want. Guava leaves aids in weight loss by inhibiting the complex starches from being converted into sugars. That’s because guava tea prevent carbohydrates from turning into sugar thereby suppressing your appetite. Eventually, by eating fewer calories you will be able to shed off the extra pounds. Drink fresh guava leaves and tea for this weight loss result.

Increases sp*rm production

If you having trouble making you wife pregnant, guava leaves can help. People with low sp*rm count can count on the power of guava leaf. It has been proven to be effective in increasing sp*rm count without side-effects. Just get good quantity of the leaves. Wash properly and boil. Take a cup of the water morning and evening. Abstain from sex while taking the herbs to allow proper build up, you can take a week off, after taking the herb for a week.

Reduces cholesterol

Research shows that drinking guava leaf tea for 3 months lowers your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Because it reduces your LDL cholesterol and triglycerides without any side effect on your HDL. Besides, they are a great liver tonic.

Aids in digestion

Guava leaf tea aids in digestion by stimulating digestive enzyme production. The powerful antibacterial agents kill bacteria in the lining of the gut. This stop proliferation of toxic enzymes by bacteria. Also, they are particularly beneficial in case of food poisoning as well as soothing, vomiting and nausea. To relieve stomach ache, boil 8 pieces of guava leaves in 1.5 liters of water and drink thrice a day.

Treatment of acne and age spots

The chemical compounds found in guava leaves can kill bacteria causing acne. This helps you get rid of black spots and acne from your skin. Grind the leaves and apply it directly to the affected area. Rinse with warm water after few minutes. Do this daily for smooth glowing skin.


Keeps you younger

The active anti-oxidants contained in the guava leaves fight off free radicals. Because this free radicals cause damage to your skin. It also protects your skin from aging whiles improving skin tone and texture.


Promotes hair growth

Guava leaves benefits
Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, they help in promoting healthy hair growth. Boil a handful of guava leaves in 1 liter of water for about 20 minutes. Let it cool and apply it on your scalp and massage it carefully. Rinse with water after 10 minutes. Do this procedure daily until you see visible results. Massaging your scalp with this solution will allow regeneration of hair and also prevent any further hair loss. Alternatively, you can make a paste of guava leaves and rub into your hair roots. Allow to stay for about 1 hour and wash off. Repeat this process 3 to 4 times in a week..

NB: How to make the guava leaves tea

Dry some fresh guava leaves. After they get dry, crush them into powder. Use one tablespoon of guava leaves and add it to one cup of hot water. Let it brew for 5 minutes then you can strain it. Drink this tea daily regularly.

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