8 Best Tips for Healthy Grilling and Safety

8 Best Tips for Healthy Grilling and Safety

Grilling is a fun and flavorful way to cook no matter the season; even if it’s cold outside! Who doesn’t love to cook together with friends outdoors in the summer? And, why not? Everyone knows that grilling makes the food better, right? We’ll assume you know the answer to that question. Besides grilling outdoors is a great alternative to slaving over a kitchen stove when the weather heats up.
“Fire it up,” said every grilling enthusiast ever at the first glimpse of warm weather. Yes, it’s that time of year when grilling makes its comeback. The smell of steak and burgers grilling on an open flame can be picked up from neighborhood to neighborhood through the city. The best part is that grilling can be one of the healthiest ways to cook! Just follow our top 8 tips for healthy grilling.
Healthy and safe grilling tips

Best Tips for Healthy Grilling and Safety

Start out clean

Keep your grill clean by scrubbing with a brush before and after grilling food. Using a wire brush is best. Scrubbing keeps the buildup of carcinogens left on the grill grates to a minimum. Start by taking apart the grill layer by layer and clean each part thoroughly. This makes your food taste so much better.

Marinate before you grill


Marinating your meat makes it not only tastier but also safer. It help reduce the amount of carcinogens after grilling. According to a study at Kansas State University, marinating has been shown to reduce carcinogens by up to 88%. Scientists are not sure what causes the reduction, but it may create a protective layer between the meat and the flames of the grill. In addition, the antioxidants found in the marinade may halt the development of carcinogens directly. Make a simple rub of your favorite spice (such as allspice, chili powder, cinnamon, cumin, garlic powder, paprika or rosemary) and black pepper.

Choose lean meats

When fat drips from your meat and reacts with the flames below, it can produce smoke. This produces a carcinogen that has been known to contribute to colorectal and pancreatic cancers. Choose sustainably raised, pasture-raised, grass-fed beef, and free-range chicken. Buy wild fish or organic farm-raised fish if you can. Salmon is particularly healthy, as it’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Flip at the right time

You want to avoid burning but not rip the meat apart. Give it a gentle tug; it’s ready to flip when it comes loose without pulling.

Keep the heat down

A bit of char is unavoidable (and it tastes good), but incinerated meat will contain more cancer-causing compounds. Don’t get the coals superhot and then plop fatty meat directly on the grill. So be sure to monitor your grill every few minutes to make sure your meat isn’t turning into charcoal. A good tip to avoid charring is to briefly cook your meat in the microwave for a few minutes before grilling.

Include more vegetables

How to grill safely

Vegetables are naturally high in fiber and low in calories. They’re a good balance to a meat-heavy barbecue. They are also great for grilling because, they don’t contain the amino acids that form carcinogens in grilled meat. However, that doesn’t mean they can or should be overcooked. Always grill veggies over indirect heat to avoid charring.


Cut meat into smaller pieces

Size matters when it comes to grilling meat. Cube or slice meat into smaller portions to speed up the cook time or choose a quick-cooking option like shrimp or fish. The shorter the cook time, the better.  The faster foods are cooked, the less likely they’ll develop dangerous charring.


Go for the greens at the sides

When it comes to side dishes, go for the greens. Make salads from green leafy veggies like spinach, arugula, or watercress, and cook kale or spinach with garlic and serve hot. Also consider adding herbs, like basil or parsley, which contain disease-fighting antioxidants; in fact, all of these can counteract some of the harmful effects of the other foods at a barbecue.

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