Here Are The Top Health Benefits Of Napping


Here Are The Top Health Benefits Of Napping

Napping is a mid-day sleeping of less than an hour, during which the body experiences light sleep. Longer sleep periods during the day are called siestas. Most people confuse a nap with microsleep thinking they are the same but they are not. However, short afternoon naps are good for us.
Microsleep is unintentional brief (as little as a few seconds) of sleep. It often occurs in only some parts of the brain and usually unknown (not consciously intended) by the person. You did not plan to have microsleep. However, intentional naps are a preventative measure against microsleep.
Importance of taking a nap

Why You Feel Slumber During The Day

The afternoon dozing can be due to variety of factors. It ranges from a heavy lunch to sheer boredom. However, your body may also be signaling you to fall asleep. Your body temperature changes throughout the day. Its lowest point is in the morning just before waking and it rises during the day.
Mostly, between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., your body naturally experiences a small dip in temperature. This signals the brain to produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. This is a normal part of your sleep circle that helps explain why you feel sleepy in the afternoon.




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