20 + Amazing Benefits of Baking Soda That Will Surprise You

20 + Amazing Benefits of Baking Soda That Will Surprise You

9. Improves the look of your hair

Sprinkle a small amount of soda into your palm along with your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and rinse thoroughly. It helps remove the residue that styling products leave behind. Due to this, your hair becomes clean. Additionally, it also makes your hair look shinier. But also keep in mind how this might affect the pH of your scalp.

10. Serves as an Antacid

Baking soda is a safe and effective antacid. It relieves issues such as heartburn, sour stomach and/or acid indigestion. Make your own an antacid by mixing ½ teaspoon of bicarb with 50 ml (1/4 pint) of water.

Home Uses for Baking Soda

11. Clean hairbrushes and comb


Baking soda is great to help naturally remove oil build up and residue such as on combs and brushes. Simply soak in a solution of water and baking soda (about 1 tsp of baking soda to a cup of water). Rinse and dry thoroughly.

12. Removes Stubborn Stains

Stains have a way of leaving their mark such as from a leftover food. To freshen your pans and bowls, wipe with a clean sponge sprinkled with bicarbonate. You can also remove extra-stubborn stains by soaking in a solution of four tablespoons of soda and a quarter of warm water.

13. Cleans Furniture and Floors

Add some soda to a damp sponge and use it to clean any stains from the furniture.  Wipe it off with a clean cloth. Furthermore, add ½ cup of soda to a bucket of warm water. Use it to clean the floors and eliminate grime and dirt.

14. Wash dirty fruits and vegetables

Soak fruits and veggies in a solution of water and bicarbonate to eliminate the dirt and residue off. You can also put some bicarb on a damp sponge, scrub your produce and rinse.


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