7 Incredible ways to increase testosterone levels naturally

7 Incredible ways to increase testosterone levels naturally

Do you have low s3xual desire? Do you often feel lethargic and suffer from muscle weakness? Then, you need to take this seriously. Your testosterone levels could be lower than normal. Testosterone is the main male s3x hormone, but females also have small amounts of it. It is a steroid hormone, produced in men’s testicles and women’s ovaries. The adrenal glands also produce small amounts.
Natural ways to boost sp*rm production
During puberty in boys, testosterone is one of the main drivers of physical changes such as increased muscle, deeper voice and hair growth. However, having optimal levels is also important throughout adulthood and even during old age.
In adults, healthy levels are important for general health such as body composition and s3xual function. Additionally, increasing your testosterone levels can cause rapid gains in muscle mass and vitality in only a matter of weeks. Interestingly, it also plays an important role in female health and s3xual well-being. Both genders should ensure they have healthy levels of testosterone, especially as they age.

Ways to increase testosterone levels naturally

Regular exercise and lose weight

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to stay healthy. Interestingly, it can also boost your levels. A large review study found that people who exercised regularly had higher testosterone levels. Exercise may increase your levels levels but weight lifting and high-intensity interval training are the most effective. Do large muscle group, compound exercises such as squats, lunges, bench press, T-bar rows, pull-ups, overhead press, etc.  Be sure to lift heavy!!

Eat proteins and fats


They say you are what you eat. Yes! What you eat has a major impact on your health as well as hormones. Therefore, you must pay attention to your long-term calorie intake and diet strategy. Constant dieting or overeating may disrupt your testosterone levels. Eating enough protein can help maintain healthy levels and aid in fat loss. This also helps with your testosterone levels. A diet based mainly on whole foods is best, with a healthy balance of fat, protein and carbs. This can optimize both hormone levels and long-term health.

Reduce stress and cortisol Levels

Stress is bad. No arguments about it. Excess stress can reduce testosterone levels and cause other severe issues. It can elevate levels of the hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels can quickly reduce testosterone. Stress and high cortisol can also increase food intake, weight gain and the storage of harmful body fat around your organs. In turn, these changes may negatively impact your testosterone levels. Exercise regularly. Laugh a lot. Stay away from negative people.

Adequate vitamin D

Vitamin D, which is actually a steroid hormone, not a vitamin, is essential for the development and quality of sperm. A lot of people are deficient in Vitamin D. The best way to increase your D levels is sun exposure. You only need 20-30 minutes of exposure to a large amount of skin. You can also take around 3,000 IU of a vitamin D3 supplement daily. To boost testosterone and reap the other benefits of vitamin D.

Consume plenty of zinc

Zinc stops/slows the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, and assists in its production. Studies have shown supplementing with zinc increases levels and restricting zinc intake drastically lowers T levels. Best source of zinc? Oysters. Otherwise meat, fish or raw milk.

Get good quality of sleep

Getting good sleep is just as important for your health as diet and exercise. It may also have major effects on your testosterone levels. You know how much sleep you need. If you wake up in the morning feeling well rested, it simply means you had the right amount of sleep. Getting 6–8 hours of sleep per night is best for long-term health and your testosterone.



Ginger extract may also boost your levels. It is a delicious herb that also provides various other health benefits. Most of the research on ginger has been done in animals. However, one study in infertile humans found that ginger can boost levels by 17% and increase levels of other key s3x hormones.


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