Best tips on how to reduce exam stress

Best tips on how to reduce exam stress

Exams are a crucial part of education and the source of stress for many students. In order to control your anxiety due to pesky examinations. Therefore, it is important to approach them with a clear mind and an understanding. Generally, learn how to deal with stressful situations more broadly. In many cases, exam stress is all in the mind and mental discipline is a large part of what you need to succeed.
Cope with exam stress and anxiety

Tips on how to prepare for an exam in order to reduce exam stress

First and foremost, know what is expected of you. Learn according to your syllabus. You can also ask your tutor what material you will be responsible for. If you have a concrete sense of what you will be tested on, you will feel no exam stress and you are more relax.
Additionally, take notes in class. Do not just rely on your memory or your course book. Take your class time seriously by taking notes summarizing what your teacher has said. When taking notes, jot down keywords and ideas, rather than trying to copy word to word.
Moreover, proper time management. Don’t wait for last minute before study. This will surely lead to exam stress. Schedule your study time for studies. When you schedule your study time over the course of a longer period of time, such as a few days or weeks, you will retain more of the information.
Furthermore, choose a comfortable and serene environment for studies. Think about the kinds of factors that allow you to be most comfortable and relaxed as you prepare for your exam. Also, take frequent breaks. According to studies in psychology, the average human brain can only focus on one task effectively for about 45 minutes.
Also, keep yourself healthy. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Aim for at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of water per day. Regular aerobic exercise can relieve exam stress. So if you find yourself anxious before an exam, try walking, jogging, singing or dancing. Also eat a balanced diet such as lean meats, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. You should get enough sleep. Not getting a full night’s rest can contribute to feelings of fatigue, exam stress and anxiety.
Tips to cope with anxiety and stress in exam

How to reduce exam stress on the D-day

  • Eat a proper exam day breakfast. Without a proper breakfast your energy levels will quickly crash and may lead to stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
  • Drink enough water. Being dehydrated negatively affects how efficiently the brain works. Be sure to stay hydrated before your exam.
  • Be on time. You may be nervous about the exam itself. There is no need for extra stress from fear of being late. Also, by arriving early you will be sure to get the seat that you like.
  • Read instructions carefully. Before answering any exam questions, figure out exactly what is expected of you. Read through the questions to see its content. This gives you a rough idea of how long each question will take to complete.
  • Just relax, do not rush. If you get stuck on a question for a long time, skip that question and return to it at the end if you have time. Go over your answers to check for any mistakes or to guess on any questions that you initially skipped. Also keep an eye on the clock.
  • Don’t think about it. Easier said than done, of course, but, try to keep in mind that once the exam is over, you can’t go back and change anything about how it went. So, avoid asking your friends what they put for certain questions because it will just increase your exam stress.

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