Tips on genital care during menstrual period


Tips on genital care during menstrual period

During menstrual periods most ladies feel a sense of vulnerability and insecurities with their bodies. This though shouldn’t be the case as the menstrual period should be considered as one of the beautiful perks that comes with being a lady. The following few steps can help every lady regain her confidence during this period.

Wash your genital area twice daily using lukewarm water.

Since there is a presence of blood cum clots in the genitals during menses, washing the site twice daily using lukewarm water not only free you of odor but also makes you very comfortable.

Use mild un-perfumed soaps or only clean water



When cleaning your genital the use of perfumed soaps and other hard soaps will upset the pH in the genital and cause dryness within it.

Change to clean dry underwear at least twice daily

Alternate your sanitary pads/protection to prevent vag*nal odor. Substitute your menstrual protection at least four times daily with heavy flows to avoid odor.

Stay away from vag*nal deodorants and other forms feminine spray

These products are actually harmful and cause severe irritation to the genitals. Stick to loose clothing and cotton underwear during night times to prevent severe sweating and a generation of body odor.


Wipe from front to back

When changing your sanitary protection and you decide to wipe your genital make sure to wipe from front to back, to prevent introducing germs from the anal region into the genitalia.

Bathe Twice Daily

If possible bath more than twice daily to maintain a normal body odor and genital cleanliness.

Use mild deodorants if necessary during menstrual period

Mild deodorants can be used in the armpits to prevent odor from sweating but should not be used in the genital area.
If all the above fail and there is an offensive discharge from your genitals be sure to visit your physician.
#personal hygiene, menstrual hygiene, genital care,

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