Laughter: 10 surprising health benefits you musk know

Laughter: 10 surprising health benefits you musk know

One of the best feelings in the world is laughter. What’s even more is when you share it with other people. Whether it is because of something silly your friend said, something silly your pet did, or some silly scene from your favorite comedy movie it doesn’t matter. Laughter makes you feel really good! It can bring people together and establish amazing connections. It can change the temperature of a room from chilly unfamiliarity to a warm family-like atmosphere.
Importance of laughter
But did you know it can actually improve your health? It’s true: laughter is strong medicine. Whether you’re looking to build up your immune system, reduce your blood pressure, reduce anxiety, manage depression or just burn calories, know this: Laughter truly is the best medicine. As children, we used to laugh hundreds of times a day, but as adults life tends to be more serious and laughter diminishes.
Just check out these 10 health benefits of laughter.

Surprising health benefits of laughter

Importance of laughter

Reduces stress hormones


By reducing the level of stress hormones, you’re simultaneously cutting the anxiety and stress that affects your body. Additionally, the reduction of stress hormones may result in higher immune system performance. Just think: Laughing along as a co-worker tells a funny joke can relieve some of the day’s stress and help you reap the health benefits of laughter.

Boosts your immune system

People who laugh often decrease stress-related hormones in their bodies. They also increases the number of activated T cells and natural killer cells. These two things help your body stay strong and healthy. Combining laughter with getting lots of sleep, working out on the regular, and taking in plenty of vitamin D will certainly give your body a boost.

Relieves pain

A good laugh has been found to reduce pain. Not only does it distract you from aches, but it releases feelgood endorphin into your system. These endorphin’s are even more powerful than some painkillers. Additionally, it can increase pain tolerance by around 10%. These leads to pleasant feelings of calm, as well as temporary pain-relief.

Increase blood flow to the heart

One part of your body that’s fond of laughter is your heart. Laughing immediately increases blood flow to the extra-important organ. Similarly this is what happens when you’re doing aerobic exercise. And getting that surge on a regular basis could even reduce the risk of any scary heart-related conditions.

Regulates Blood Pressure

For anyone with high blood pressure, try to laugh more and watch your blood pressure decrease. It causes an initial increase in arterial blood pressure due to the physical act of laughing, but that rise is followed by a decrease to below the normal resting blood pressure. This is further proof that laughter does indeed improve circulation and can reduce blood pressure, which is one of the major causes of heart disease and cardiac issues for many people.


Lightens anger’s heavy load

Nothing diffuses anger and conflict faster than a shared laugh. Looking at the funny side can put problems into perspective and enable you to move on from confrontations without holding onto bitterness.


Reduces depression

Laughter has long been known to help people who are suffering from either depression or sad. Laughing reduces tension and stress. It also lowers anxiety and irritation, which are all major factors that contribute to the blues.

Makes you more creative

Some days, you have so much creativity flowing that you don’t even know what to do with it all. And others? Let’s just say it’s lacking. To give yourself a nice boost, simply laugh a little. Humor can loosen up your mind. This allows you to relax more and feel emotionally safer. This gives your brain more power to be creative.

Tones your abdomen

One of the benefits of laughter is that it can help you tone your abs. When you are laughing, the muscles in your stomach expand and contract. This is similar to when you intentionally exercise your abs. Meanwhile, the muscles you are not using to laugh are getting an opportunity to relax. Add laughter to your ab routine and make getting a toned tummy more enjoyable.

Boosts your relationship

If you’re looking to find a new partner, then laughter will help you find a new mate. Men love women who laugh in their presence and women actually laugh more than men. And if you’re already with someone, then a shared sense of humour is an important factor in keeping your relationship running smoothly.

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