Losing weight naturally in 3 simple steps


Losing weight naturally in 3 simple steps

Losing weight with these simple methods; most weight losing methods are so complicated. They make the one trying to lose weight lose hope as he/she goes along and simply give up. Don’t let your hope down as the methods about to be made known to you are easy to follow and are have little stress.

Simple tricks to losing weight

  1. Exercise at least three times within a week.
  2. Cut down on starches and Sugars
  3. Eat Proteins, low carb-vegetables and Low fat foods

First and foremost, exercising must be done to help burn excess fats in the body. Exercising also helps maintain and improve the functionality of body organs. You can jog for a mile on your first day of exercising and add more miles as you continue to exercise. Join a gym, have a gym instructor help you with the types of exercises that will help you lose fats easily. Lifting weights are also beneficial as it turns burns fats and increases body muscle mass.
Secondly, cut down on your starches and sugars. Get yourself to eat a protein diet as often as possible rather than a high carbohydrate diet.The most important part is to cut back on sugars and starches (carbs) as it will help lose weight easily.
When you do that, your hunger levels go down and you end up eating much fewer calories. Your body thus falls on starch reserves thus help burn the fats stored up in your body.
Another benefit of cutting carbs is that it your insulin level falls, causing your kidneys to shed excess sodium and water out of your body. This reduces bloating and unnecessary water weight. It is not uncommon to lose much weight in the first week of eating this way, both body fat and water weight.
Lastly, losing weight by eating Proteins, low carb-vegetables and Low fat foods.
Sources of proteins, carbohydrates and fats include:

  • Proteins:



eggs (egg albumin), fish, lentils (cowpea, peanuts) meat (grilled. avoid all fried meats)

  • Low-carb Vegetables

broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, tomatoes, kale, cucumber, swiss chard, Brussels sprouts


  • Low fat sources

Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil
Fill your plates with as much low carb-vegetables as you want. Eat 3 times in a day. If you follow this diet regimen don’t be afraid to eat as cutting down on food will make you starve.

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